Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Writing Tip of the Month: Find a Writing Trigger

Writing triggers are extraordinarily useful things. It is so easy to get distracted by the piling list of chores to do or the mindless distractions of the internet when what you really set out to do was write. 

What is a writing trigger? Anything that sends a signal to your brain that it is time to get serious about writing. 
Does it actually work? Absolutely.

A trigger can be a location, an item, a scent, a song, a dance - anything at all, really!

My personal writing trigger is to sit down at my desk with a cup of tea and a lit candle. When I do those three things, my brain zeroes in on writing. It is also immensely helpful to turn off the internet. :)

Emily Kate's writing triggers

 Anyone else have a particularly useful or unique writing trigger? One author I know found her trigger was to cram her bathtub with pillows and hunker down inside its porcelain walls. Hey, whatever works! I'd love to hear your triggers.

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