Writerly Resources

My personal writing toolkit involves a myriad of websites, blogs, people, and books. If you are in the business of children's writing, I believe you can benefit greatly from these same resources.

Now, keep in mind, what I am posting here is but a blip of the wealth of information available in the publishing world. The following is simply my list of resources pared down to what I use/follow on a daily basis.


My number one go-to writing book is WRITING IRRESISTIBLE KIDLIT: The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Fiction for Young Adult and Middle Grade Readers by Mary Kole. She is an expert in the field of Kidlit and knows what makes for unputdownable stories.

For research on older ways of life, I turn to Ian Mortimer. His books approach historical ways of life from a fresh perspective that allow a researching author to feel as though they are a part of the smallest details of what life used to be like.



The Society of Book Writers and Illustrators - I am a proud member and suggest that aspiring authors hop on board. It is a wealth of information and comradery.

The Absolute Write Water Cooler is the place to go to meet other others, ask questions, be challenged, and join an awesome/massive community of writers


The Query Shark, for all things query and scary.

More from the snarky shark on Janet Reid's personal blog.

Pub Rants with the informative agents Kristin Nelson and Sara Megibow.

Mary Kole's blog.

Literary Rambles

YA Highway

Bent on Books

Pub(lishing) Crawl

YA-NA Sisterhood 

Susan Dennard's blog

Nathan Bransford's blog 

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