Wednesday, March 11, 2015

BEKA COOPER SERIES by Tamora Pierce: Review


Genre: High Fantasy
Author: Tamora Pierce
Publisher: Random House
Purchase: Barnes & Noble, Amazon

Goodreads Description:
Beka Cooper's journals describe her training, promotion, and success as a policewoman (dog) in Tortall. From the back alleys of Corus, to the sewers of Port Caynn, to the backwoods of the north country, Beka will not let her quarry escape. 

Tamora Pierce's first tales told in first person give marvelous insight into the complex and wonderful character of Beka, whose strength, loyalty, and goodness are an inspiration to all those around her . . . except perhaps the criminals.


I realize that this series is not a new series, but I thought it would be a good one to test out this new method of reviewing. Please let me know whether or not this review style works for you!

Who do I recommend for? Those who enjoy complex epic fantasy with low romance, an emphasis on plot, and in-depth world-building.