Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wait to Send. Write a Sequel.

Guys. GUYS. Writing a sequel changes everything!

I have been hemming and hawing on writing the sequel to QUIVER for quite some time. I was ready to query it before writing the sequel, thinking that I had a general enough direction of where the story was going so I didn't need to actually write it yet.  My mindset was to get the first book repped by an agent first, then work on the sequel.

Wow, was I wrong!

The instant I sat down to write the second book, I found at least a dozen holes in the world-building I had done in the first book. 

I revamped entire scenes in QUIVER in order to achieve proper foreshadowing. I expanded the map of my world and came up with new, exciting places that had entirely different cultures and landscapes. 

Basically, I had quite a bit of tinkering to do with QUIVER.

Sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but it's so fun!! QUIVER has been revitalized by these changes. The characters have a foreseeable future and a more intricate past. The world is a more fascinating place. 

I've actually started dreaming in this world I've created ... something that never happened when I originally wrote QUIVER.

My suggestion to other writers? Write a sequel - or a prequel! Even if your plan is to publish a stand-alone novel, write a novella that happens either before or after your novel. It will allow you to give more depth to every part of your story and it will help you to recognize what needs to change. 

It reminds me of a technique I use in acting. With every script I receive, I ask for back-story. If there is none, or not enough for me to understand the motives and quirks of my character, I make one up.

Has anyone else experienced massive need for change upon writing a sequel?

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